Murphy, Regina ORCID: 0000-0002-1575-4249
The validity of a portfolio approach to instruction and assessment in writing in the primary school.
Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Corbally, Melissa ORCID: 0000-0002-7163-0195
Making sense of the unbelievable: a biographical narrative study of men’s stories of female abuse.
Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Kenny, Maeve (2012) Clients’ experiences of engagement in psychotherapy in a mental health setting: a risky venture. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Fitzgerald, Catherine M. (2012) Listening and learning: adults with mild learning disabilities' lived experience of individual counselling. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Briody, Anthony (2013) Temporary employment contracts and the application of real options theory: a case study in the Irish third level academic sector. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, Dublin City University.
Proudfoot, Denise (2014) A narrative exploration into the experiences of mothers living with HIV in Ireland. Other thesis, University of Bath.
Eustace, Susan (2014) A hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry into homelessness. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
McGivern, Francis Edward (2014) The personal impact of uncompleted suicide on partners: transformations for better, for worse. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Naughton, Yvonne Marie (2015) The application of repertory grid analysis combined with concept mapping in the elicitation of children’s constructions of plant nutrition. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Park, Yongnam (2017) Vincent Van Gogh's christian faith and how it influenced his life and art. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Kearney, Fiona (2017) ‘Voices of a sample of Irish young people affected by parental substance misuse and parents with a substance misuse issue: Uncovering harm and system fragmentation. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Ryan, Thomas J. (2018) Retention of critical talent post acquisition in a multinational company. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Barry, Emma (2019) 'Lost in a concrete jungle': community perspectives on the criteria for the development of a sustainable community in Irish urban areas. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Horan, Anne (2019) “Céad Míle Fáilte”? Parental involvement: the varied experiences of immigrant parents in Irish primary schools. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Brophy, Martina (2020) The gendered identity work of women leaders in family business. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Palcic, Úna (2021) An historical geography of landownership, landholding, and landscape in the barony of Demifore, county Meath: circa 1700-circa 1830s. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Maguire, Declan (2022) The impact of a lean philosophy on organisational culture: exploring the cultural change associated with the implementation of lean. Other thesis, Dublin City University.
Williams, Graham (2023) The influence of developmental experiences on the talent pathway in sport. Other thesis, Dublin City University.