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Analysis of the DCAD survey: highest and lowest ranking areas of interest for professional development in regard to current work interest (teaching and research)

Kozina, Ekaterina (2011) Analysis of the DCAD survey: highest and lowest ranking areas of interest for professional development in regard to current work interest (teaching and research). Technical Report. Higher Education Research Centre.

The following sections present and discuss the role of a contextual variable – current work interests in survey respondents’ views in regard to the highest and lowest ranking areas of interest for professional development. The analyses were carried out for the comparison of the views of lecturing staff across four universities and four institutes of technology in the Dublin region. In total, Part 3 of the questionnaire contained 25 areas of professional development activities distributed evenly over the following six themes: i) planning and design; ii) delivery and practice; iii) feedback on teaching; iv) peer to peer opportunities; v) scholarship and research and; vi) personal and professional development and leadership. The attitudes towards these activities were explored through the analysis of data collected in response to the statements of Q14-Q19. The questions required the answer on a four point ordinal scale indicating the extent of interest from “no interest” to “great interest”. The ordinal scale also included the answer option “neutral” for those respondents who wished to opt out from stating their opinion.
Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Academic professional development
Subjects:Social Sciences > Education
DCU Faculties and Centres:University Professional Support Services > Graduate Studies Office
Publisher:Higher Education Research Centre
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. View License
ID Code:19701
Deposited On:12 Dec 2013 14:33 by Fran Callaghan . Last Modified 19 Jul 2018 15:02

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