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Yeast: a potential biomass substrate for the production of cleaner energy (Biogas)

Ekpeni, Leonard E.N., Nkem-Ekpeni, Fehintola F., Benyounis, Khaled, Aboderheeba, Ayad Khalifa Mohamed, Stokes, Joseph and Olabi, Abdul-Ghani orcid logoORCID: 0000-0002-7865-1757 (2014) Yeast: a potential biomass substrate for the production of cleaner energy (Biogas). In: 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2014, 30 May - 2 June 2014, Taipei City, Taiwan.

Yeast cell wall and its entire contents disruption treatments are required in the enhancement of protein and the overall biodegradability of the cell wall materials during homogenization process. Yeast as a cheap, good resource and easily available source of energy from biomass into biogas, it was used as a substrate for the cleaner energy production due to its richly and high level content of protein contained in it. An initial study on the effects of high-pressure homogenizer mechanical pretreatment has been conducted in sequence as generated by the design matrix of the design of experiment (DOE) focusing on protein yields from bakers’ yeast also known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in order to achieve the maximum yield of protein which in other words aid biogas production, the following optimum process parameters were set in. The yeast block was refrigerated at between 0 – 4 °C with fermentation at (0 – 24 h), a pH value of (5.3) maximum was used in the preparation of the buffer solution C. This was obtained through diluting solution B into A until the pH was attained (details as shown in the materials and methods section). Number of cycles (passes) of the soluble yeast were undergone to enable the yeast cell walls be broken down for the release of more protein and at temperature range (15 – 25 °C). The pressure for the compressed state during homogenization was set between (30 – 90 MPa). The results presented therefore showed the rates of protein released from the disruption through using the Design Expert Software V.8 in identifying the ideal conditions as set in the parameters.
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Event Type:Conference
Uncontrolled Keywords:Homogenization; Design of Experiment; Protein; Cleaner Energy; Biomass; Disruption
Subjects:Engineering > Environmental engineering
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Engineering and Computing > School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in: Energy Procedia. 61. Elsevier.
Official URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2014.12.199
Copyright Information:© 2014 The Authors
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. View License
ID Code:20455
Deposited On:03 Feb 2015 11:34 by Fran Callaghan . Last Modified 03 Feb 2021 13:17

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