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Fighting and writing: journalists and the 1916 Easter Rising

O'Brien, Mark (2018) Fighting and writing: journalists and the 1916 Easter Rising. Media History, 24 (3&4). pp. 350-363. ISSN 1368-8804

The relationship between journalists and the Irish rebellion of Easter 1916 is a complex one. While the Rising was led in large part by a miscellany of poets, editors and journalists (many of whom feature prominently in the Rising’s historiography) many lesser-known journalists acted as planners and participants in the insurrection. As well as assessing the contribution of these lesser-known journalists to the events of 1916 and the Rising’s impact on journalistic life in Dublin, it explores how a representative organisation – the Irish Journalists’ Association – acted as a cover for the clandestine insurgent-related activities of many journalists. It finds that the IJA played a key role in facilitating the expression of radical views by this cohort of journalists who could not express their radicalism through their everyday posts on the mainstream media and, by so doing, it played a key, though hitherto unacknowledged, role in the events of Easter 1916.
Item Type:Article (Published)
Uncontrolled Keywords:1916 Rising; Ireland; Press; Irish Journalists’ Association; Trade Unionism
Subjects:Humanities > History
Social Sciences > Journalism
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Science > School of Communications
Publisher:Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
Official URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13688804.2018.1487778
Copyright Information:© 2018 Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. View License
ID Code:24047
Deposited On:19 Dec 2019 15:47 by Mark O'brien . Last Modified 19 Dec 2019 15:47

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