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Think tanks in non-democracies: a case study of Azerbaijan

Gahramanova, Aytan (2020) Think tanks in non-democracies: a case study of Azerbaijan. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

This thesis argues that think tanks nurture public policy debate, which enhances the overall legitimacy of civil society in non-democratic settings. A focus on think tanks also emphasises the importance of civil society as a non-confrontational forum rather than an antagonist of a non-democratic regime. Empirically, the thesis draws on the work of think-tanks in the areas of local self-government and budget transparency in Azerbaijan between 2003 and 2014. The case studies are analysed through a matrix of think-tank strategies and activities, which is a development of Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework. The findings show that, although think tanks had a very limited impact on immediate public policy change, the process they led through interaction and policy education activities in the agenda-setting process, nurtured an alternative public policy debate. These positive effects of the non-confrontational activities of the civil society in Azerbaijan have important implications for democracy promotion policy and the concept of civil society, in general.
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Date of Award:November 2020
Supervisor(s):Rivetti, Paola, Pleines, Heiko and McMenamin, Iain
Uncontrolled Keywords:think tanks; civil society; Azerbaijan; democracy; authoritarianism; public policy
Subjects:Social Sciences > International relations
Social Sciences > Political science
Social Sciences > Public administration
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Science > School of Law and Government
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. View License
Funders:European Union, DCU
ID Code:24865
Deposited On:03 Dec 2020 18:48 by Iain Mcmenamin . Last Modified 03 Dec 2020 18:48

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