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Machine translation and post-editing training as part of a master’s programme

Guerberof Arenas, Ana orcid logoORCID: 0000-0001-9820-7074 and Moorkens, Joss orcid logoORCID: 0000-0003-4864-5986 (2019) Machine translation and post-editing training as part of a master’s programme. Jostrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation (31). pp. 217-238. ISSN 1740-357X

This article presents a description of a machine translation (MT) and post-editing course (PE), along with an MT project management module, that have been introduced in the Localisation Master’s programme at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2009 and in 2017 respectively. It covers the objectives and structure of the modules, as well as the theoretical and practical components. Additionally, it describes the project-based learning approach implemented in one of the modules, which seeks to foster creative and independent thinking, teamwork, and problem solving in unfamiliar situations, with a view to acquiring transferable skills that are likely to be in demand, regardless of the technological advances taking place in the translation industry.
Item Type:Article (Published)
Uncontrolled Keywords:machine translation; post-editing, training; project-based learning; localisation; project management; translation technology;, NMT
Subjects:Computer Science > Machine translating
Humanities > Translating and interpreting
Social Sciences > Educational technology
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Science > School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies
Research Institutes and Centres > ADAPT
Publisher:Journal of Specialised Translation
Official URL:https://www.jostrans.org/issue31/art_guerberof.php
Copyright Information:By submitting manuscripts for publication, authors acknowledge that their article is not published anywhere else and assign their copyrights to © JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation. Authors are also responsible for obtaining permission to use copyright material from other sources, where necessary. The content of the JoSTrans website can be accessed, downloaded and/or printed for personal non-commercial use. Authors may use their text elsewhere after publication provided that JoSTrans is acknowledged as the original source of publication. JoSTrans’s outputs are therefore licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license which allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the original source is appropriately credited.
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. View License
Funders:Edge Research Fellowship programme that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713567, ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106) and co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund.
ID Code:23584
Deposited On:19 Jul 2019 10:56 by Ana Guerberof . Last Modified 19 Jul 2019 10:56

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