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Low-carbon multi-objective location-routing in supply chain network design

Validi, Sahar (2014) Low-carbon multi-objective location-routing in supply chain network design. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Traditional supply chain modelling tends to focus on singular objectives, with a predominant focus on cost. Within this discipline location-routing problems are one of the most researched categories in recent years. This study extends this paradigm to consider the multi-objective of cost and environmental impact in the form of carbon emissions. The focus of this study is on the design of a low-cost low-carbon structure for the demand side of supply chain networks. This research has developed two-layer and three-layer multi-objective 0-1 mixedinteger AHP-integrated location-routing models. Disparate multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm, and Simulated Annealing-based optimisers are used to execute these developed models. The main execution platform used is modeFRONTIER®, a multi-objective optimisation and design environment. The main contributions from this research are 1) the modelling extension to include low carbon emissions; costs; demand as an objective function component; and the inclusion of the decision makers’ priority as a green constraint, 2)with regard to implementing these specific NP-hard models, a DoE-guided solution approach is used. Various heuristics/meta-heuristics are adopted and compared in terms of their efficiency, with the three-layer model being solved in two phases, 3) both sets of developed models are applied to the demand side of a dairy supply chain in Ireland.
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Date of Award:March 2014
Supervisor(s):Byrne, P.J.
Uncontrolled Keywords:Supply Chain Management; Modelling
Subjects:Business > Management
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > DCU Business School
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. View License
Funders:DCU Business School
ID Code:19742
Deposited On:15 Apr 2014 10:54 by Pj Byrne . Last Modified 15 Apr 2014 10:54

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