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A balancing act: a window into online student engagement experiences

Farrell, Orna orcid logoORCID: 0000-0001-9519-2380 and Brunton, James orcid logoORCID: 0000-0001-7223-0524 (2020) A balancing act: a window into online student engagement experiences. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17 (25). ISSN 2365-9440

This article reports on a qualitative study which explored online student engagement experiences in a higher education institution. There are very few studies providing in-depth perspectives on the engagement experiences of online students. The project adopted a case study approach, following 24 online students over one academic year. The setting for the study was an undergraduate online Humanities programme at Dublin City University. The research question for the study was: What themes are central to online student engagement experiences? Data was collected from participant-generated learning portfolios and semi-structured interviews and analysed following a data-led thematic approach. The five central themes that make up the study’s findings highlight key issues of students’ sense of community, their support networks, balancing study with life, confidence, and their learning approaches. The findings of this study indicate that successful online student engagement was influenced by a number of psychosocial factors such as peer community, an engaging online teacher, and confidence and by structural factors such as lifeload and course design. One limitation of the study is that it is a relatively small, qualitative study, its findings provide insights into how online degrees can support online students to achieve successful and engaging learning experiences.
Item Type:Article (Published)
Uncontrolled Keywords:online students; online student engagement; online education
Subjects:Social Sciences > Adult education
Social Sciences > Distance education
Social Sciences > Education
Social Sciences > Educational technology
DCU Faculties and Centres:Research Institutes and Centres > NIDL (National Institute for Digital Learning)
Publisher:Springer Open
Official URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s41239-020-00199-x
Copyright Information:© 2020 Springer. Open Access
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. View License
ID Code:24422
Deposited On:05 May 2020 10:27 by Orna Farrell . Last Modified 05 May 2020 10:37

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