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Audit of mathematics curriculum policy across 12 jurisdictions

Burke, Damien (2014) Audit of mathematics curriculum policy across 12 jurisdictions. Technical Report. National Council for Curriculum & Assessment (Ireland), Dublin, Ireland.

This paper is a reflective commentary based upon the author’s desk-top audit of twelve international primary school mathematics curricula, and a further amalgamated curriculum framework from the United States referred to as the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. It attempts to identify examples of contemporary and innovative curriculum design, including structural and content components, associated teacher supports, and finally, instruments for standards, assessment and planning in classrooms. Points of discussion attempt to compare international trends with current curricular elements in the Irish context, and point towards possible future directions for consideration by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.
Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:mathematics, curriculum, international, policy, audit
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Institute of Education > School of Policy & Practice
Publisher:National Council for Curriculum & Assessment (Ireland)
Official URL:https://ncca.ie/media/2031/audit-mathematics-curri...
Copyright Information:2014 The Author
ID Code:26392
Deposited On:01 Nov 2021 15:59 by Vidatum Academic . Last Modified 01 Nov 2021 15:59

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