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Early leavers from mainstream education: A phenomenological examination of their lived experiences of loss, adversity and system blockages

Cummins, Jennifer (2024) Early leavers from mainstream education: A phenomenological examination of their lived experiences of loss, adversity and system blockages. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

This research examined the lived experiences of seven young people living in North Dublin who left mainstream education before the Leaving Certificate, the final state examination at the end of second level education in the Republic of Ireland. These young people all returned to full-time education in an alternative education setting where they then undertook Quality and Qualifications Ireland level certifications in general learning, construction studies, sports, and catering. The Interpretative Phenomenological Approach was applied. Each participant had self-reported experiencing one of the following adversities in childhood: death of a parent, having a parent in prison, growing up in care, parental separation, parental homelessness, or poverty. There were additional factors also reported including family history of early school leaving, experiencing mental health difficulties, experiencing domestic violence, child abuse, and parental drug use. There are four main findings. These findings are grouped under the following headings: The concept of time and memory; Who Cares? The loss of a mother figure and the importance of friendship; School structures; and Support structures. The implications for each of these findings extend into the areas of policy and practice in education, social work, youth work, mental health services, and family support. The examination of young people’s experiences of services and support in these areas gives voice to a marginalised and often unheard cohort of people in our education and care systems.
Item Type:Thesis (Doctor of Education)
Date of Award:August 2024
Supervisor(s):Downes, Paul and Irwin, Jones
Uncontrolled Keywords:Early School Leaving; Loss; Bereavement; Adverse Childhood Experiences
Subjects:Social Sciences > Education
Social Sciences > Teaching
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Institute of Education
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. View License
ID Code:30248
Deposited On:14 Nov 2024 11:33 by Paul Downes . Last Modified 14 Nov 2024 11:33


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