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Continuity and reform: a case study analysis of assessment in Irish post-primary education through the evaluation of stakeholder perceptions

Guildea, Carol (2021) Continuity and reform: a case study analysis of assessment in Irish post-primary education through the evaluation of stakeholder perceptions. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

This research procures and analyses the perspectives of parents and students, regarding post-primary assessments. Two specific events prompted this research: 1. The reform of Junior Cycle Assessment in 2015 involving systematic reform to include the assessment of skills and competencies required for 21st century living (DES, 2012a; NCCA, 2017). 2. An Inspectorate report following a Whole School Evaluation, recommending summative data from the school entrance assessments be utilised to ‘provide a more realistic perspective on student performance.’ (DES, 2016e, p.3). The two events highlighted reform of assessment towards the formative at Junior Cycle with a simultaneous focus on summative student performance within the post-primary system. The researcher was keen to establish parent and student perspectives to assessment in post-primary education to ascertain how they as primary stakeholders experienced all aspects of the system. Subsequent to an extensive literature review, the following research questions were identified: • What is the perception of post-primary assessment among students and parents in a case study school in Ireland during a period of simultaneous continuity and reform? • What are the benefits of assessment within a post-primary school? • What are the challenges of assessment within a post-primary school? Thematic analysis of the qualitative data resulted in the emergence of three interlinked themes: • Stakeholders perceive assessment through the purpose of the assessment • Stakeholders perceive assessment through the culture of assessment • Stakeholders perceive post-primary assessment has an impact on student wellbeing. Each of the three themes are discussed in relation to the research questions and conclusions and recommendations for the case study school, for national policymakers and for future research in the area are identified.
Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Date of Award:March 2021
Supervisor(s):McNamara, Gerry and Brown, Martin
Subjects:Social Sciences > Education
DCU Faculties and Centres:DCU Faculties and Schools > Institute of Education > School of Policy & Practice
Use License:This item is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. View License
ID Code:25229
Deposited On:24 Mar 2021 14:25 by Gerry Mcnamara . Last Modified 24 Mar 2021 14:25

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