Reale, Conor (2024) 'A Different Sameness’: Exploring the multifaceted identities of politics and society teachers in Ireland. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Kennedy Gardiner, Carol (2024) Ignored, Marginalised, and Often Traumatised: Using the experiences of learners deemed to have developmental coordination disorder (DCD) to chart a course towards more inclusive educational provision in Irish post-primary schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Kavanagh, Brendan (2024) An exploration of the motivations for changing career and the formation of professional teacher identity among second-career teachers working within the FET sector of the city of Dublin ETB. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Love, Máire (2024) Exploring key educational stakeholders experiences of school-to-school collaboration within a professional learning community (PLC) for developing inclusive education. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Carolan, Trish (2024) Enhancing Behaviour Support: A practical staff training approach in an Irish special education context. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Raftery, Aidan (2024) Investigating the Role of a Community of Practice in Supporting Primary School Principals to Enact Inclusive School Leadership. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
McClearn, Keith (2024) Creating the Conditions Necessary for Educational Leadership Capacity A Study of the Relationship between School Cultures and Teacher Leadership in Irish Post-Primary Schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Cull, Gráinne (2024) Including and supporting mathematics learners in Irish mainstream primary schools: teachers’ perceptions and experiences. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Fleming, Julie Ann (2024) Teacher resilience in the face of systemic changes 2016-2021. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Green, Maggie ORCID: 0009-0008-2420-6800
‘One of them is the way I think, the other is the way I am’: The
Lived Educational Experiences of Autistic Trans and Non-Binary
Students in the Republic of Ireland.
Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Flanagan, Elizabeth (2024) They have a right to be included: A neuro-affirmative approach to including autistic pupils with a significant learning disability alongside their peers. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Cummins, Jennifer (2024) Early leavers from mainstream education: A phenomenological examination of their lived experiences of loss, adversity and system blockages. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Moynihan, Denis ORCID: 0000-0001-6148-5513
Examining the Digital Competence and Intention of Pre-service Primary School Teachers in the Republic of Ireland to use Digital Technology in their Professional Practice.
Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
O'Kelly, Christine (2024) The Influencing Factors and Process of Becoming and Remaining an Age-Friendly University. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Murphy, Ursula (2024) An analysis of Junior Cycle English teachers’ understandings and experiences of intercultural education using a critical literacy framework. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Cunnane, Triona (2024) A Multi-Site Case Study: An Exploration of the Influence of School Leadership on Teacher Professional Learning in Four Irish Primary Schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Lynch, Joanne (2024) From periphery to core: exploring experiential learning in business education through the lens of signature pedagogies. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Keane, Eileen (2024) An artist-teacher exploration of a Room 13-informed space in an Irish Primary after-school setting. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
O'Sullivan, Jennifer (2024) An exploration of pedagogy and creative teaching of the listening component of the Irish post-primary senior music syllabus. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Regan, Jacinta (2024) An exploration of the experiences and understandings of stakeholders in a newly reconfigured community national school in Ireland: a case study. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Nolan, Declan (2024) A Grounded Theory Study of how members of the Irish Traveller community attend to their mental health needs. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Donohue, Joseph (2024) An Exploration into Counsellors’ Experience of Working with Student Suicidality in Irish Higher Education Institutions: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Winterbotham, Joy (2024) Holding – the Contentious Balance. A Grounded Theory Study of how Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Psychologists Consider Child Trauma in Disorder Diagnosis, with Children and Young People in Ireland. Doctor of Psychotherapy thesis, Dublin City University.
Woods, Cathy (2024) An empirical investigation of the early university entrance programme in CTYI. Master of Arts thesis, Dublin City University.
Rafferty, Rachel ORCID: 0009-0004-9272-9946
The exploration of children’s learner identities while experiencing outdoor learning in the Irish primary school context.
Master of Arts thesis, Dublin City University.
Boran, Lorraine ORCID: 0000-0002-0993-0306
Suspects with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Pre-Trial Interview.
Master of Laws thesis, Dublin City University.
Neeson, Finian ORCID: 0000-0002-0115-2255
Saclay: pollen and fungal spore monitoring.
Master of Philosophy thesis, Dublin City University.
Giannouli, Maria (2024) Development of phenotypic endpoints as metrics for the assessment of emerging pollutants in daphnids. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Idelegbagbon, Osatohanmwen (2024) Enhancing Freshwater Fish Detection in Ireland: A Synergistic Approach using Environmental DNA, CRISPR-Cas, and Lateral Flow Technology. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Alanazi, Muhayla (2024) Myeloid Differentiation of Resident Vascular Stem Cells (mVSCs) into Macrophage-Like Cells (MLCs) in Response to Ox-LDL and Cholesterol. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Keartland, Sarah (2024) Personalised patient stratification and therapeutic development using mass scale single cell analysis. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
AlShamrani, Maryam (2024) Sonic hedgehog promotes myogenic differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal stem cells to vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Prakash, Satya (2024) Integrating structured and unstructured data for imbalanced classification using meat-cut images. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Bracker, Rachel (2024) Development Towards a Complete, Portable Analytical System for the Detection of Phosphate in Freshwater Systems. Master of Science thesis, Dublin City University.
Adamson, Kelly ORCID: 0000-0001-5816-9077
Public health in crisis? Informing public health policy in Ireland, 1939-53.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Loughman, Michael ORCID: 0000-0002-7938-761X
Doctor, republican, statesman: James Ryan and the development of the independent Irish state, 1892-1970.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Grant, Michael (2024) Electoral politics in county Carlow, 1761 -1841: coalition, consensus and contestation. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Horgan, Finbar ORCID: 0000-0002-6164-0066
Voices of Inclusion: The lived experiences of autistic children and young people enrolled in mainstream second-level schools.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Caffrey, Thomas (2024) If not Japan, where? Towards a Murakami-land in the fictions of Haruki Murakami. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Nguyen, An Pham Ngoc ORCID: 0000-0002-0041-9747
Individual Sentiments and Collective Decisions: Cryptocurrencies as a prism for the wider market.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cuy Saques, Arnau (2024) Identification of non-coding mutations as biomarkers of sensitivity to PI3K inhibitors in breast cancer. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Durkan, Ann Marie ORCID: 0000-0002-9721-3947
Understanding the place of animals and animal-related industries
in twentieth century Dublin City between c.1910 and c.1973.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Carolan, Noel ORCID: 0000-0002-6862-0535
The politics of Ireland’s food supply, 1895 to 1923: through peace, war, revolution, and partition.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Muiños Olivas, Héctor (2024) My Name Is John Tyndall (a novel); and ‘So now get up’. The construction of fictional characters from historical evidence in Hilary Mantel’s Cromwell trilogy. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Wang, Jing (2024) Personalised headnotes - investigating comprehension and appreciation of humour in subtitled Chinese comedies. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Krishna, Tarun (2024) Towards an efficient synergistic paradigm for self-supervised visual representation learning. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Tias, Silfia Asning (2024) Teacher Reform in Indonesia: Perspectives towards teacher professional education programme to improve teachers’ competencies. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kelly, Sian ORCID: 0000-0001-9324-2284
Adapting Trust Strategies: A dyadic perspective on the development and
maintenance of trusting manager-employee relationships.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Devlin, Anthony (2024) Theological dissent in the Catholic Church after Vatican II: Expressions, suppressions, and possibilities. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Mandal, Abhishek ORCID: 0000-0002-5275-4192
Auditing imbalance and bias in deep neural networks for multimedia content analytics.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Suhas Cholkar, Abhijit ORCID: 0000-0003-4608-3203
Surface structuring and functionalization of aluminium alloys using multimodal laser processing.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Al Ayyash, Sarah (2024) The Formation and Evolution of Entrepreneurial Teams during Incubation: A Longitudinal Exploratory Study Within a Saudi Technology Incubator. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Abozenadah, Hanof (2024) A Qualitative Examination of Employee Adaptation Responses to Mandatory Health Information Technology in Saudi Arabia: A Coping Theory Perspective. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Bartkowski, Michał ORCID: 0000-0002-0259-0919
Engineering of Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy (ENACT).
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Maginn, Ann (2024) Expectations for Gender Equality in Middle Eastern Context: Insights based on the Possible Selves and Future Selves. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Brown, Gavin D. ORCID: 0000-0003-2555-4192
Introducing Protection Action Theory: An exploration of the factors that influence household emergency preparedness in Ireland.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lawton, Neil ORCID: 0000-0002-9699-8973
An Analysis of Inflation Expectations, Inflation Uncertainty and the Role of
Energy Prices in the Euro Area.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kelly, Monica (2024) Implementing Effective Business Continuity Management in Large Organisations: An Evaluation of Critical Success Factors. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Sargioti, Nikoletta (2024) 3D Printed Medical-Grade Metal-based Microneedles as a Modular Platform for Minimally Invasive Therapeutic Delivery. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Liu, Xiao (2024) An Adaptive Human-in-the-loop Approach to Continuous Understanding of Additive Manufacturing Processes with Computer Vision. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Doğu, Merve Nur ORCID: 0000-0003-1843-6040
Additive Manufacturing of Nickel-Base Superalloy IN939 by Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Al Mukhaini, Bashayar (2024) The Application of Knowledge Modelling as A Decision Support Tool to Optimise the Design and Performance of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Dennehy, Deirdre (2024) Assessing Ability Emotional Intelligence in a Collaborative Problem-Solving Context: A Case Study in a Primary School in Ireland. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Forbes, James (2024) Cry Freedom! Domination, disability and a republican reading of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Sørensen, Helena Mylise (2024) Development and optimisation of a microbial fermentation from media selection to pilot-scale production. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Tzagiollari, Antzela ORCID: 0000-0001-6157-6378
Development of a Biomimetic Phosphoserine Modified Calcium Phosphate Adhesive for the Regeneration of Bone Defects.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Forembski, Andrew (2024) Development of a theoretical and computational framework for the description of one- and two-electron systems under intense laser fields. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Mavropoulos, Angelos ORCID: 0000-0002-2306-8476
The Ethical Consideration of Body Modification: A Comparative Case Study of Tattooing and Body Piercing Practices Between Catholic and Orthodox Perspectives.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ran, Li (2024) Evaluating and Mitigating Transaction Costs with Recurrent Neural Networks. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Khan, Lehar Asip (2024) Experimental and Computational Analysis of Nitinol Actuators. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Roche, Patti (2024) Fish in Water? Exploring the use of drama as a strengths based creative pedagogy for children with dyslexia: A reflective practice case study. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Briva-Iglesias, Vicent ORCID: 0000-0001-8525-2677
Fostering human-centered, augmented machine translation: Analysing interactive post-editing.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Feeley, Giovanna (2024) ‘From Praise to Practice:’ The vocal and musical expression of the Alleluia as Gospel Acclamation in the Roman Rite Eucharistic celebration: provenance, nature, and function. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Economides, Katerina (2024) Futures Consciousness: A futures study in gamified and game-based learning in higher education. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Garcia Cabrera, Carles ORCID: 0000-0001-8139-9647
Generalisable Cardiac MRI Analysis with Deep Learning.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Holden, Lorcan (2024) Guanine Quadruplex Targeted Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Luminophores for Imaging and Therapeutics. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Gubbins, Ronan (2024) How Context Shapes Enactment: The Case of School Self-Evaluation in Irish Primary Schools. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Millington, Hannah (2024) "An Individual, not an Echo": Identity and Expression in the Early Vocal Works of Dame Ethel Smyth (1858-1944). PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Le, Tu-Khiem ORCID: 0000-0003-3013-9380
Information Lifelogging: Leveraging Eye Movements and Reading Comprehension for Efficient Retrieval of Previously Encountered On-Screen Information.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Finnegan, Dearbhla (2024) Investigating the Immunomodulatory Effect of Novel Fermentates for the Development of a Functional Food Ingredient for the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disorders and Support against Viral Infection. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kingston, Mary (2024) Investigating the probabilistic thinking of young children: A design-based research study to develop frameworks of growth points. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lachezarova Todorova, Zornitsa (2024) Irish and Bulgarian poetic representations of nature in a post-independence period: Patrick Kavanagh and Dimcho Debelyanov. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Dasgupta, Freya ORCID: 0000-0003-0777-0211
A Jesus of the Liminal: Exploring Sholem Asch’s Project of Jewish-Christian Reconciliation.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Riemland, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0001-8695-7214
Language power relations and linguistic patterns in translation: A multilingual, corpus-based investigation.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Hobson, Sean (2024) Learning Innovation Departments as Transformational Change Agents for Higher Education. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lebron Casas, Luis (2024) Learning to evaluate video captioning systems through human assessment. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Anand, Devanshu (2024) Machine Learning Solutions for Network-User Quality Balancing for Rich Media Content Delivery in Heterogeneous Network Environments. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Blake, Cathal ORCID: 0000-0003-1523-8807
Making sense of young onset dementia: A qualitative exploration of childhood experiences.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Slaimi, Asma ORCID: 0000-0001-6220-9000
A Meta-Learning Approach for Hydrological Time Series Model Selection.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cannon, Paul ORCID: 0000-0001-6453-1466
Metal Oxide Nanostructures for DNA Analysis.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Taylor-Jade, Allen Coyle (2024) Multi-drug therapies, their pharmacodynamic interactions and the role of microRNAs in pancreatic cancer models. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ibragimova, Iuliia ORCID: 0000-0002-0296-5813
Navigating the Posthuman: The Sentient Spaceship as a Popular Culture Trope (1941-2020).
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Mastronardi, Annalisa (2024) Non Serviam (?) James Joyce’s Legacies in Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing: The cases of Anne Enright, Eimear McBride and Emilie Pine. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cartwright, Eoin ORCID: 0000-0002-8870-9772
Obtaining quantitative information from time series patterns: Insights from SAX, MDL and the Matrix Profile.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ankit, Sharma (2024) Photonic Integrated Short-reach Transmitter for Optical Networks. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Troncoso Costas, Marcos (2024) Photonic and Signal Processing Technologies for High Capacity Short Reach Optical Interconnects. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Fitzmaurice, Helen ORCID: 0000-0002-7764-3392
Primary-School Pupils’ Perspectives on Homework:
A Qualitative Sociological Analysis Using Bourdieusian Theory.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lawlor, Robert (2024) Procuring Health Equity: Treatment Activists Fighting for Access to Medicines in Ukraine. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Tran, Ly-Duyen ORCID: 0000-0002-9597-1832
Pushing the Boundaries of Lifelog Retrieval Systems with Question Answering Techniques.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Hiney, Noel ORCID: 0000-0002-2116-7999
Regional Airports at the Crossroads (Again)
Stakeholder Relationships, Business Challenges and Future Uncertainties.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Banjar, Batoul Mahmoud (2024) The Role of Business Angel Networks in Facilitating the Investments of Business Angels in Emerging Markets: The Case of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Rodgers, Joe ORCID: 0000-0001-6568-5256
Sackville Street, c. 1782-1930: A commercial and social history of Dublin’s principal street.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Djilali, Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou (2024) Saliency modelling for 2D and 360° visual data: deep learning models and performance evaluation. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kearney, Lauren (2024) Synthesis and Photophysics of Novel Molecular Photo- and Electrocatalysts for CO2 Valorisation and Hydrogen Generation: Advancing Sustainable Solutions to Climate Change. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Arellano Reyes, Ruben Arturo (2024) Synthesis and spectroscopy of novel charge-transfer triplet sensitizers and fluorescent probes for sensing applications. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Le Khac, Phuc H ORCID: 0000-0002-0504-5844
Toward efficient learning of structured representations in computer vision.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Callan, Aisling (2024) The invisible minority: a biographical narrative study of gay men’s stories of intimate partner violence. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lacey, Aisling (2024) A pathway to understanding running related injuries. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
O'Neill, Jessica (2024) A photophysical and time-resolved investigation into Porphyrin and BODIPY dyes as photosensitisers towards Solar Fuel Generation and Antimicrobial Activity. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Nguyen, Manh Duy (2024) A search engine using graph-based structures for lifelog retrieval. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ghayadah, Al-Kharusi (2024) The use of Design of Experiments and Machine Learning to Optimise 3D Bioprinted bone repair Scaffolds. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Fouki, Lito Vera (2024) The role of the school leadership in promoting inclusion and social justice in mainstream primary schools through collaborative professionalism: a comparative study in England and Greece. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Buchanan, Ciara (2024) Development of a rapid pandemic response platform to identify antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Furlong, Ciara ORCID: 0000-0002-2949-8688
Investigating the inhibitory effect of Candida parapsilosis on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
McClure, Tyler (2024) Exogenous ketosis as a countermeasure for acute hypoxic exposure. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Alshbili, Norah (2024) Saudi kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of teacher-child interaction quality before and after a professional development initiative. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Medbh, Máighréad (2024) Among love's apartments: a theory in practice of the auto-poetic essay. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Alex, Gibney (2024) Click chemistry-based artificial metallonucleases. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cregg, Cathal (2024) Coaching practices of adult club level Gaelic football coaches and the associated match play demands within modified games. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
McDonald, Clair (2024) Colonial geographies of Stradbally, Co. Laois: landholding, society and landscape on the Cosby and Walsh-Kemmis landed estates, c. 1640 to c. 1850. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Imaeva, Mariat (2024) Deferring criminal accountability: humanitarian resolution of conflict-related disappearances in the Caucasus. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
O'Flynn, Dylan ORCID: 0000-0003-4812-0573
Determination of pharmaceuticals in Irish aquatic ecosystems: an evaluation of occurrence and risk.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Finnegan, Melissa (2024) Developing approaches to skin volatile biodiagnostics using non-invasive techniques. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Li, Yongda ORCID: 0000-0002-8849-8370
Development and application of methods for planetary research.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Power, Sean (2024) Development and deployment of a novel in situ multiparameter optical sensor for marine and freshwater environments. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Delgado Ollero, Adrian ORCID: 0000-0003-0791-0720
Development and testing of a novel approach to measuring biofouling on sensors and tidal energy materials.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Angioi, Roberta ORCID: 0000-0002-8521-4723
Development of a novel multidisciplinary approach to evaluate honey for biomedical applications.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Carrico, Amanda (2024) Development of simple, ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensors for the detection of miRNAs associated with neurological diseases Amanda Carrico. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Lankford, Séamus ORCID: 0000-0003-1693-9533
Enhancing neural machine translation of low-resource languages:
corpus development, human evaluation and explainable AI architectures.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Saaty, Naif (2024) Examining the barriers and enablers for the internationalization of Saudi Arabian social enterprises. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Moreu, Enric ORCID: 0000-0002-0555-3013
Exploring synthetic Image generation for training computer vision models under data scarcity.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Real, Colette ORCID: 0000-0002-9093-5293
Forms of trust reciprocity and change in established relationships: a dyadic and longitudinal study.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Ildefonso, Tracy Mae ORCID: 0000-0002-7968-3654
From the margins to the mainstream: an analysis of attitudes among the public and the LGBT community to the increase in LGBT representations in advertising in the Philippines.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
López-Pelén, Eddie (2024) Interpreting for minors in legal settings. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Renate Luitjens-Tol, Marije ORCID: 0000-0002-0237-0174
Introducing the resilient peace system: new potentials for peace in Kosovo and Medellín.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Avella, Giuseppe (2024) Investigating the role of fatty acids in CHO cell culture and the development of novel genome engineering tools. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Moslem, Yasmin ORCID: 0000-0003-4595-6877
Language modelling approaches to adaptive machine translation.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Cassidy, Lauren (2024) Linguistic analysis and automatic dependency parsing of Tweets in modern Irish. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Hayden, Lucy ORCID: 0000-0002-3148-6416
‘Living well on borrowed time’: an
interpretative phenomenological analysis of
individuals’ experiences of living with terminal
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Mac Giolla Chomhghaill, Aindí (2024) Mionlogainmneacha de bhunús Gaeilge i ngleannta Chontae Bhaile Átha Cliath. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Clancy, Jerry (2024) Monitoring and modelling of biological aerosols. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Qusien, Rabia ORCID: 0000-0001-9460-1648
More often and more intense: media coverage of smog,
heatwaves, and floods in the Pakistani media.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
da Silva, Fábio Rodrigues (2024) Multipath prioritisation for improved virtual reality content delivery. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Dass, Devika (2024) Next generation hybrid optical & wireless systems for converged access networking. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Samimi, Mahdieh (2024) Non-invasive techniques for in situ morphological evaluation of laser-metal interaction. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Peyvasteh Nejad, Amin (2024) On the effects of surface texturing on turbulent flow and its impact on the early-stage of bio-fouling settlement. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Gorman, Rody ORCID: 0000-0002-5993-2879
Sweeney: an intertonguing - (A practice-based creative-critical translation in a new paradigm of 'Buile Shuibhne' with comprehensive annotation and commentary).
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Mohanty, Anwesha ORCID: 0000-0002-9975-8705
Synthetic visual data generation and analysis of Rosacea from limited data.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Rana, Aashima (2024) Towards a folkloric commonality: adapting lores of Assam and the American South. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Nayak, Prashanth ORCID: 0000-0003-1962-9135
A critical examination of document-level machine translation systems.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kavanagh, Hayley ORCID: 0000-0002-8940-0443
An evaluation of the fundamental movement skill proficiency of children
with intellectual disabilities participating in the Special Olympics Young Athletes programme.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Gutowska, Malgorzata ORCID: 0000-0002-1724-4912
An examination of meta-Learning for algorithm selection in unsupervised anomaly detection.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
O'Rourke, Katie ORCID: 0000-0002-6105-3937
The integration of holistic techniques for the detection of pharmaceuticals in the freshwater environment.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Nolan, David ORCID: 0000-0002-0743-8801
An investigation of sex-specific considerations relating to physical preparation In women’s rugby union.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Fadil, Aiman (2024) A mixed-method approach to develop a model to manage the national strategic reserve for critical intermediate and final products in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Markey, Emma ORCID: 0000-0002-2963-773X
The monitoring, modelling and chemical interactions of pollen.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Kirst, Niels ORCID: 0000-0002-8687-749X
The rule of law crisis within the European Union: constitutional challenges in transatlantic perspective.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Khokhlov, Nikita (2024) Essays on strategic behaviour and communication of authoritarian elites: Evidence from Russia. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Huang, Boyi ORCID: 0000-0002-6306-877X
Explaining subtitlers’ participation in a queer subtitling community: the motivational phenomenon of self-determination.
PhD thesis, Dublin City University.